One Piece: 4 Facts about Kamusari, a Technique That Beats Kid!

There are several interesting facts about the Kamusari technique which is one of the most powerful sword attacks in the One Piece story. A sword user or swordsman is one of the things that Eiichiro Oda presents a lot in One Piece stories. Roronoa Zoro, Kinemon, Red Scabbards, King, and even Dracule Mihawk are some examples of sword users or experts.

Throughout the story, there are many very powerful sword techniques that have been introduced by Oda. An example is Zoro’s Ashura Ichibugin technique, which was able to defeat Kaku and even injure Kaido. Also, there is the very legendary Kamusari technique. There are several interesting facts about this Kamusari sword technique. Anything?

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First Used By Roger

The Kamusari technique is a very powerful sword technique that was first shown by Gol D. Roger. Kamusari was used by Roger in his group fight with Whitebeard’s group. At that time, initially Roger was shown fighting Kozuki Oden who suddenly attacked the pirate king. However, Roger was able to withstand Oden’s attacks.

Not wanting to be outdone, Roger finally counterattacked Oden. He uses a powerful sword technique, namely Kamusari. Roger’s Kamusari attack was even able to send Oden flying far enough. This is proof of how powerful Roger’s level of sword power is as well as how powerful the Kamusari technique is.

Haki Layered Attack

To use the Kamusari technique, Roger will use his sword and then coat the sword with high-level Conqueror Haki. He will then swing his sword horizontally and it will deal a powerful attack on his enemy. In the anime version, you can see how a dark energy effect appears from Roger’s sword when using Kamusari.

And because of this Haki-coated sword, Roger was also able to destroy Kozuki Oden’s defense and two-sword technique. Kozuki Oden himself did not expect that someone would be able to beat him so easily. In fact, he was shocked by the enormity of the attack. Roger used the Kamusari technique again when he faced Whitebear after Oden was easily defeated.

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Kamusari Meaning

Eiichiro Oda is no stranger to adapting various mythologies or beliefs, including the origins of Kamusari. In Shinto belief in Japan, ‘ Kamusari ‘ is a term used in Kojiki or a legendary and mythological story about the death of a god. However, in the story of One Piece, the name of the technique ‘ Kamusari’ itself can be interpreted as ‘Divine Departure.’

Used By Shanks

The Kamusari technique appears again in the One Piece story. In this case, it is Shanks’ turn who is known to use this powerful technique. This fact is known in the spoilers or leaks for One Piece manga chapter 1079. According to the information, Shanks is known to have defeated Eustass Kid and his group in the fight on Elbaf Island.

And what’s extraordinary is that Shanks managed to beat Kid very easily. In fact, according to the information in that chapter, Shanks used the Kamusari technique to then defeat Kid with just one attack. As a result, Kid and his group had to give up and he gave them a copy of the Road Poneglyph they had. In fact, the Kid’s ship must be destroyed.

There are various powerful sword techniques in One Piece and Kamusari is one of them. After being shown by the figure of Gol D. Roger how powerful this sword technique was that was able to blow Kozuki Oden away, it was Shanks’ turn to prove the greatness of this technique. In fact, Shanks was able to beat Kid easily using this technique.

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