One Piece: Explanation of Usopp And Yasopp’s Connection!

Maybe most geeks already know who Usopp and Yasopp are, but what is the connection between these two characters? Eiichiro Oda has presented many characters in the One Piece story. Most of them are indeed shown to have connections, but some are not shown or only appear in a reference.

One example of this is Usopp and also Yasopp. Usopp is known to have a resemblance to the main protagonist who is also the captain, Monkey D. Luffy. They are both shown to have a connection with one of the Yonko, namely Shanks. If Luffy has a connection with Shanks, then Usopp has a connection with Shanks’ crew, Yasopp.

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Origins of Yasopp

Then, who exactly is Yasopp? Like some of Shanks’ crew, Yasopp rarely appears in the story. He’s only appeared a few times and you could say he’s only appeared in one or two story panels. Yasopp himself is a resident of Syrupp village, the village where Usopp is from. He married a woman named Bachina and had a son named Usopp.

Usopp, as we know, later grew up and became part of the Straw Hat crew. Yasopp himself is known to always have big dreams in his life. He has a dream to spend the rest of his life becoming a pirate and roaming the seas. However, at that time, Yasopp did not have a strong motivation to realize his dream.

However, what is interesting is that Shanks later heard and learned about Yasopp’s reputation. He also asked her to join the Red Hair pirate crew. The wife, Bachina, did not restrain or forbid her husband’s wish. Instead, he asked her to go and fulfill her big dream. On the other hand, Bachina deliberately asked for this because she knew that her life would not last long because of the illness she was suffering from.

Yasopp then decided to leave his village and join Shanks’ pirate crew and become a sniper in the Red Hair group. He even had a chance to meet Luffy in the village of Foosha when he was small. What’s interesting is that Yasopp told Luffy about his son, Usopp. He even hoped that Luffy could meet his son in the future which it did. In fact, Luffy himself fulfilled his promise to Yasopp by inviting Usopp to be part of his crew.

Usopp’s relationship with his father

What is the connection between Usopp and Yasopp like? With Yasopp’s decision to leave his village, his sick wife, and even leave his child to realize his own big dream, it can be said that he is very selfish. Even so, Yasopp is proud and loves his son, Usopp, especially when he knows that his son has succeeded in building his own name as a pirate.

Yasopp looks happy and happy when he sees the value of the hunted poster from Usopp after what happened at Enies Lobby or after the big events that made his bounty value continue to increase. Usopp himself never seemed to have a grudge and felt hatred towards his father who had died, him and his mother. What happened was that Usopp wanted to be like his father, becoming an expert sniper and pirate.

So far, Oda Sensei has rarely shown stories about the relationship between Yasopp and Usopp. However, from what is presented in the flashback story, Usopp does not really know his father, although he is still proud. And in fact, Usopp also inherited the ability to shoot snipers from his father. Interesting, of course, to see the reunion between this father and son.

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Will Usopp and Yasopp meet

Talking about the reunion between Usopp and Yasopp, the question then is whether the two of them have a chance to meet again. For now, it is still unknown how the two will meet each other. At the end of the Wano arc, actually Yasopp has the opportunity to meet his son. However, Shanks decided not to meet Luffy’s crew and left.

Although it is still not known exactly when and how Yasopp and Usopp met, it is certain that the two will meet in the future. The reason is, Luffy himself has a promise to Shanks and his crew that they will meet each other after getting stronger. Luffy also promised to return Shanks’ straw hat when they grow stronger each other.

Considering that the One Piece storyline, according to Oda, has entered its final phase, this means that it is only a matter of time before these two pirate groups meet each other. And when this happens, whether the meeting of the two will be as expected or if something unexpected will happen, we still have to wait. What do you guys think?

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