One Piece: 5 Historical Facts That The World Government Deleted!

The World Government is known as the ruling party in the One Piece story where they always hide and delete existing historical facts. Without many people realizing it, there are many big secrets that the World Government has been hiding from everyone. They deliberately hide the big secret for various reasons.

One possible reason is to maintain their power and influence in the world. And it has been proven, so far this method has been effective in keeping them as rulers of the world. They also often erase existing historical facts. So far it is known that there are several world historical facts that were deleted by the World Government. Anything?

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God Valley Island’s destruction

God Valley is a place that is a silent witness to the battle between the marines allied with Roger against the Rocks pirate group. The event itself became known as the God Valley incident. According to the narrative from Sengoku, this island of God Valley has disappeared from the map. In fact, historical facts about this event have been erased so that not many people know about it.

Based on his information, only those from the old navy knew about the facts of this incident that happened 38 years ago. Many young marines actually never knew about this incident or even other facts, such as about the figure of Rocks and how several Yonko names turned out to have been part of the Rocks crew.

Nika’s Devil Fruit Facts

Geeks, of course, know about the historical facts hidden by the World Government, considering that Oda Sensei just revealed it in the Wano arc. In the beginning, we were introduced to the devil fruit owned by Luffy by the name Gomu Gomu. This devil fruit is also included in the Paramecia type. However, it turns out that the World Government deliberately hides the true facts regarding this matter. The real name of this devil fruit is Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika.

This devil fruit is actually a Mythical Zoan type and not a Paramecia. The strength itself remains the same, namely turning the user into someone who is elastic, as Luffy has often shown throughout the series. What then became the reason for the World Government hiding the historical facts of Nika’s devil fruit is still a question. However, it is very likely that this has something to do with the actual power of this devil fruit which is considered to have the most powerful power in the world. In fact, they themselves have been eyeing it since 800 years ago.

Greatest Treasure

Donquixote Doflamingo is one of the characters who has great influence, especially for the World Government. He was one of the former Celestial Dragons, before reclaiming his position. Due to being a Celestial Dragon, he also knew many secrets of the World Government. Including about the “treasure of the world” in Mary Geoise.

For now, it is still a mystery what they hid in Pangea’s palace. Many have speculated that the giant straw hat that was shown has a long history and deep connections with the World Government and the past. There is also speculation that the straw hat belongs to Joy Boy. To be sure, the World Government completely erased historical facts about the straw hat.

Past Technology

One of the things that the World Government is trying to erase in the latest story this time is facts about past technology. In the Egghead arc it is now known that the various advanced technologies that exist on the island are not from the future. In fact, these various technologies originate from the past, although it is not known exactly when.

In the previous article, there was discussion about the theory that this advanced technology might also be the cause of the attack by 20 kingdoms on the Ancient Kingdom. This is because perhaps they perceive it as a big threat. The World Government itself is currently trying to cover up this historical fact by planning to destroy the entire contents of Egghead Island and also kill Vegapunk.

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World history

This is the biggest historical fact that the World Government has been trying to cover up for hundreds of years. As we know, the World Government has always tried to cover up historical facts about what happened in the past century, what was the cause of the void century, how they were able to defeat the Ancient Empire, and so on.

Actually, this historical fact is written in various existing Poneglyphs and scattered in several places. However, those who try to learn or find out about it will be immediately eliminated. The World Government prohibits anyone from doing research or finding out about what happened in the past. The residents of Ohara are living proof of the World Government’s atrocities trying to cover up this historical fact.

As the biggest power in the world of One Piece, the World Government is indeed in control of many things including what people can and are allowed to know or consume. Because of that, they also have a lot of historical facts that were erased or hidden by the World Government. This is probably because they don’t want the big secret to be exposed.

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